I want to sleep but not wish you goodnight
I want to sleep with you by my side
I want to sleep with my back facing the door and yours facing the wall
I want to sleep with your eyes across mine
I want to sleep with our legs tangled
I want to sleep,
I want to sleep but this cold wont allow
I want to sleep but my thoughts wont allow
Are you sleeping?
I know my vibe sometimes hits below per
I know sometimes I become stupid
But i want to sleep with your body next to mine
I want our bodies to talk a language they can only understand
Some french,
Talk of some french kiss
Talk of some french leave
Ukiskia njaa
Talk of some french fries
Some Napoleon
Niku chipo
Coz you got too much sauce
Sijui nikukule na tooth pick ama tu umma
I want to sleep, let my body lie next to your thoughts
Let your thoughts
Get to know my body
Let the temperature rise, sukari ita act ka mecury.
Let your good behaviours be out done
If possible, we can let them slip under my carpeted floor
If possible, we can communicate without talking
Let the bed, be too cold
And we can roll over to the floor
We could start it slow and smooth,
Short and sweet ka round one
Then, The higher we go
The KULA it becomes
Lets eat each other up, like a kenyan who landed a NYS job
Lets eat each other up
Like how crushes do to our time
Lets eat each other up, till we can have no more
Then later, the key to my nduthi I give you, ride till the breaks get loose
Ride till it runs out of fuel
I will carpet the dark room red,
Some pomp and color to make it more lively
And get ready for next time
© *2018*
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