*Don't cry when am gone*
Enough with the tears,
Keeping your eyes wet wont help
Forgive me for being too insensitive but trust me no man is worth your salty tears
No man is allowed to hold your thoughts captive
Asking yourself, why you?
I am not telling you this because I want you
I am not telling you this because I care
I am telling you this because at some point I will break your heart
I am telling you this because You say all men are dogs and that I am no exception
I am telling you this, to sound as a warning
Not to cry for me when am gone
Do not break down when I break your heart
You are too weak to handle two broken pieces
I guess that is why you keep falling in love with any man who promises you a happy time.
I want to promise you some few things
Let me guarantee you no guarantees
Let me promise no promises
That's all I can promise
Because I hate it when women cry over we men
In the spirit of feminism, I hear you lie to yourself that what we men can do, women can do it twice as much better
Then why?
Then why don't you break someone's heart hard.
Miss me with that care shit!!
No one cares for anyone
Everyone is busy protecting their interests
And lucky for you
Am interested in you, just tell me you wont fall heads over heals for me
For that will only give me motivation to hurt you
Not that am a bad person, I am among the few who let their thoughts known
I hate emotions
I hate people who easily get attached
I hate people who easily fall in love
I really hate those who wake up in the morning and fall out of love
And Most importantly, I hate those who cry their lives out when they are thrown out of the Love Voyage and left to drown in their sorrows
*Doluh Words*
© *2018*
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